Where did my laid back baby go?

For the past couple of days Robert Lee has been so fussy and whiny. He is getting molars in so I know thats the reason for it but I just don't have any patience right now. I feel like such a bad mommy!
Thankfully, today he has kind of given me a break. I know that he is really hurting because he went down for a nap around noon and is still sleeping, that's 4 1/2 hours that he has slept so far.



Marlana said...

Molars are evil!! LOL!

Glad he h as slept so long for you! 4.5 hours is awesome! I'm stoked when I get Elijah to sleep for 2!

Christina said...

Yea molars are evil, I swear that the molars are worse than the first tooth was!!
He usualy does sleep for about 3 or 4 hours for his first nap everyday. Lucky me, thankfully I have a kid that loves to sleep!